United Methodist Church Giving is about people working together to accomplish something bigger than themselves. In so doing, we effect change around the world, all in the name of Jesus Christ.
Why we give?
Methodism’s founder John Wesley encouraged his followers to spread the good news, transform hopelessness into hope and assist God’s children wherever they may be. We gather regularly and put money into the offering plate, mail in a check or give online and through a carefully crafted system of United Methodist mission and ministry, our gifts stretch around the world.
Your contributions to our local church have regional, national and international impact through our connectional giving system. Most of the money you give supports our local church’s work. A small portion funds regional ministries. A portion of your giving goes to the general church to fund programs nationally and internationally, agreed upon by General Conference delegates. We share the cost of these ministries, with each local church being responsible for contributing a fair portion or "apportionment." (excerpt from http://www.umc.org/how-we-serve/giving-opportunities)
What is Tithing?
In Leviticus 27:30, a tithe is defined as "a tenth of the land's produce, whether grain from the ground or fruit from the trees, is God's. It is holy to God." (The Message Bible).
More importantly, "...tithing is a spiritual discipline that puts God first. It's a practical way of saying, 'God really is Lord of our lives, and we do not give into society's expectations, our possessions, or our appetites.' Tithing takes enormous trust in God. Tithing strengthens faith." (Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations page 105 by Robert Schnase)
Ways to Give
Reisterstown United Methodist Church uses Vanco Payment Solutions as its processor for electronic giving. Vetted by the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) of The United Methodist Church, Vanco offers a convenient way to donate electronically and helps provide financial consistency, better forecasting of donations and greater confidence in meeting financial goals and obligations of RUMC. Click on the link above to give a one-time donation or set up regular giving.
Or through any of the following methods:
- During a worship service
- Mail your contribution to Reisterstown United Methodist Church, 246 Main Street Reisterstown, MD 21136
- Use your bank's online bill payment system
Reisterstown United Methodist Church takes the stewardship of your resources very seriously.
Each fall the Finance Committee, with input from the ministry and work areas, develops a budget for the coming year. This budget is then presented to the Church Council for approval. All members of the congregation are welcome to attend both the Finance Committee meetings and the Church Council meetings to provide input on any topic, but only members of the committees can vote. The approved budget is available from the church office, treasurer, Finance chair or Council chair.
The resources you give to the church are managed using Generally Accepted Accounting Principals. All persons responsible for handling funds (counters, treasurers, assistant treasurer, etc) are bonded as part of the annual charge conference and covered by the church's insurance policy.
Each year the accounts of the church (those managed by the church treasurer, United Methodist Women, Nursery School and Trustees) are reviewed by trained accounting professionals. Reports of the findings are distributed to the group treasurers and the Finance committee for review and implementation of any recommendations. Copies of these reports are available upon request.