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Apr 10, 2016

Creation Care

Creation Care

Passage: Psalms 8:1-8

Speaker: Mark Norris

Series: The Earth Is the Lord's

Category: Environmental Stewardship

Keywords: creation, environment, stewardship

As people of faith, we need to understand the biblical mandate to be stewards of creation. In both Genesis 1 and Psalm 8, the word "dominion" is used, a word that has sometimes been interpreted to mean we can do whatever we want. However, when we take that word in the context of God's dominion, meaning the oversight of a loving, caring creator, "dominion" takes on a whole new meaning -- that of responsibility and loving care for the earth and all of God's creatures.

Today's message is a sound recording rather than a manuscript.  It is attached to this message.  Please note that the recording has not been clipped at the end of the message.  You may want to stop the recording when Mark ends his message.