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Feb 14, 2016

Fulfilled and Free 2: Faith

Fulfilled and Free 2: Faith

Passage: Romans 10:8-13

Speaker: Rev. Vivian McCarthy, Pastor

Series: Fulfilled and Free

Category: Discipleship, Grace

Keywords: faith, grace, health, trust

Today's focus is FAITH. The biblical stories of people of faith are filled with challenges and obstacles and how the people live through them. The stories of modern people of faith are no less filled with challenge. The first element of a journey to living the incredible life that God wants for each of us is Faith.

On Ash Wednesday I offered an introduction to the series we are undertaking for Lent.  The title of that sermon is Freed and is the place that we need to begin again today.  If you were here on Wednesday, you will see that I’m repeating some of that message because I want to be sure that we all begin from the same place.

Many, if not most, of us live with something that has power over us:  alcohol, stress, food, an over-filled calendar, a need to be liked, credit card debt, smoking, jealousy…  The list could go on and on.  Often, we feel powerless to overcome these issues.  They can suck the life right out of us!  

In The Message version of last week’s scripture reading, it says: 

1 Companions as we are in this work with you, we beg you, please don't squander one bit of this marvelous life God has given us.  Paul is begging the people of Corinth to live in healthy ways so that they can have the very best that life with God has to offer.

The resource material that was chosen for this series is by Pastor Rick Warren who came to a point in his life about 6 years ago when he knew he had to do things differently – to repent, if you will.  Repent means to “turn from” and he needed to turn from some unhealthy habits to healthier habits.  His book focuses a good bit on weight and food.  We will be taking a wider look and not focusing on weight loss.

Most of you know that weight is a struggle for me and you may not know it, but it has been a struggle my whole life.  I don’t remember ever being free from some sense of guilt or shame related to my size – even when I was actually a good size!  I have vivid memories of feeling terrible as an 11 year old – out of place, ugly.  But I know that it’s not weight per se that, if you’ll pardon the pun, weighs me down.    It’s the negative talk, the sense of shame, the endless cycle that has been my lifelong companion.  Friends, it’s a spiritual issue – an “I’m not worthy” issue – an “I don’t always feel God could love me” issue. 

I want to say something much more important – something that I don’t always “get” when it comes to sin and especially when it comes to food and weight control:

God is not judging us – shaming us – seeing us with disgust.  God’s act of mercy in and through Jesus is based on God’s tremendous, deep and lasting love for us.  God wants us to be whole and healthy and vigorous in every stage of life – to use the amazing gifts implanted in our spirits to lead others to know the deep and unconditional – yes, unconditional – love of God.  And when there is an external impediment – anything that keeps us from that amazing, incredible life, God weeps.

Today’s focus is faith.  The journeys of people of faith are chronicled throughout scripture.  Those journeys are never easy.  They always involve some kind of obstacle:  fear, challenge or danger.  Those stories are our stories.  Think about the guy who lay helplessly on the side of a healing pool hoping for years that someone would heal him.  Think about the Israelites wandering for 40 years, forgetting to trust God which led to detour after detour. 

Our journeys through life are no less complicated.  Whether because of our bad habits or circumstances that we do not cause, we find ourselves bound – stuck – overwhelmed – and caught in a cycle – whether it’s a cycle of eating too much or drinking too much or working too much or not caring enough for our health. 

As people of faith, we have a tremendous tool for traveling through life’s issues:  faith and trust in God.  Over and over, scripture promises help if we remember to trust God:

  • According to your faith let it be done to you" Matt 9:29
  • Don't depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit. (Zech 4:6 CEV)

And Rev. Warren says, “If you don’t trust God to help you get healthy, all you are left with is willpower – and you know from experience that willpower doesn’t usually last very long.”

The first element of a journey to living the incredible life that God wants for each of us is Faith, and there are 3 spiritual habits that are recommended in The Daniel Plan that are right on target to deepen faith and develop the spiritual strength we need to take this and any challenging journey:

  1. Choose to fill your mind with God’s word every day. Philippians 4:6-7 says “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank God for everything he has done.  Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
  2. Choose to depend on God’s spirit every moment. Pastor Warren says that “Jesus gives a beautiful illustration of [depending on God’s spirit]” when he says, “I am the vine, and you are the branches.  If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit.  But you cannot do anything without me.”
  3. And finally, choose to trust God in every circumstance. We cannot control everything that happens to us.  We can control how much we choose to trust God.  Romans 8:28 says that anyone can bring good out of good, but God can bring good out of bad – if you will trust God in every circumstance.

Beloved, in order to live and not squander the marvelous life God has given us, get your faith in gear!  Just imagine the positive changes in your life that could happen if you rely on God’s unlimited power instead of your limited willpower!!