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    Aug 09, 2015

    Sunday's Message: Women in the Bible

    Sunday's Message: Women in the Bible

    Passage: Genesis 2:18-23

    Speaker: Pat Botelle, Lay Speaker

    Series: Women in the Bible

    Category: Women

    Keywords: compassion, courage, women

    The men of most of the cultures of the ancient world treated women as possessions and in some places this attitude has not changed to this day. But in Israel, the Jews had a different attitude. They held women in high esteem, giving them honor and affection. The Bible tells stories that show women as strong, courageous, compassionate and sometimes evil. As 21st century Christians, we can learn from the examples of these women to be courageous in our faith and compassionate in our dealings with others
    Note: the format of today's sermon was that of a talk show. There was a discussion between the host and two women of the church; one speaking on compassion and one speaking on courage. The following is the introduction used before the discussion and the closing remarks.

    The Bible is a unique book in the way it represents women. From the beginning of scripture woman is an equal to man. Listen again to Genesis 2:18:

    Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.”

    Not as his slave or servant but as his partner. Woman was created from man who was created in the image of God. In his book All the Women of the Bible Herbert Lockyer puts it this way:

    She is not only man’s helper, but also his complement, and is most essential to the completion of his being. Matthew Henry’s comment on the creation of Eve is most expressive –
    The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.[1]

    The men of most of the cultures of the ancient world treated women as possessions and in some places this attitude has not changed to this day. But in Israel, the Jews had a different attitude. They held women in high esteem, giving them honor and affection. The Bible tells stories that show women as strong, courageous, compassionate and sometimes evil. Our discussion today focuses on some of the women that demonstrate just two of these characteristics: courage and compassion.

    [discussion on courage and compassion as demonstrated by Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Samaritan woman, Ruth and Naomi]

    We spoke of just two of the characteristics of women in the Bible. These are characteristics that were demonstrated by Jesus throughout his ministry as well. In closing, listen to what Lockyer says:

    Christianity brought full emancipation to womanhood, and wherever Christ is recognized as Savior and His truth is obeyed, woman is esteemed as man’s loved companion, confidant and, in many ways, his better half.[2]
    When Jesus entered upon His ministry women intuitively responded to His teachings, sympathized with Him in His darkest hours and found in Him their Benefactor and Friend. Women were the last to leave the cross, first at the tomb on Christ’s resurrection day, and first to proclaim the glorious news of His victory o’er the grave.[3]
    From the time women labored with Paul in the Gospel (Philippians 4:3), religious leaders have been dependent upon the ministries of women.[4]

    And it is no different today. So as 21st century Christians, let us all learn from the examples of these women to be courageous in our faith and compassionate in our dealings with others.

    [1] Herbert Lockyer, All the Women of the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House), p. 13.
    [2] Ibid
    [3] Ibid, p. 20
    [4] Ibid