Michael Card has written this beautiful reflection on what it may have been like to be Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus.
We don’t talk about Joseph much, but I have been truly enjoying preparation for Advent as I’ve been reading and meditating on the small group study that will shape our worship. As usual, Adam Hamilton offers some interesting, deep background and connects that to our lives as disciples of Jesus.
If we are willing to think deeply, Joseph’s story teaches us about God, about ourselves, and the meaning of the Christmas story. Many of you have heard me say often that as members of a faith family, we have the opportunity and responsibility to nurture “our” children (whether they are our biological children or those God has given us as grandchildren, nieces, nephews, remarriage, neighbors or our faith family) – to help them know God and God’s ways and to help them know how much they are loved.
Joseph did that. In a situation that was fraught with challenge, he stepped up and was a loving father to Jesus. Imagine those talks in Joseph’s shop as the two of them worked side by side. Imagine their dinner table. Imagine the long winter nights when their family had lots of time to just be. Imagine how Joseph had the gift of shaping the boy who was the Savior!
We can learn a great deal from this man. We can be inspired by this man. We can grow closer to God through the witness of this man.
In the musical prayer written by Michael Card, Joseph prays, “still, Father, let this baby be the son of my love.” What if every child was a child of our love? That would surely change the world!
Please begin inviting your neighbors and friends to worship with us during this Advent season. Advent worship begins on December 2, with Music Sunday on December 16 and 3 services on Christmas Eve – lots of opportunities to connect with Jesus through the eyes of Joseph!
Blessings on you!